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When your sweet sleep is suddenly cut short by an ailing tummy, you probably kick the blankets and rush for the ginger ale or Pepto-Bismol. Before the home remedies even get to work, you wish to rest your body but lying down at that time is great a problem. But since your pet can’t do all that on its own, our discussion today focuses on what to give a dog for upset stomach and vomiting. After all, here at The Dog Foods Guide, we specialize in canines’ problems and solutions but not those of people.
How Can You Tell Your Dog Has an Upset Stomach?
Of all the ailments in a dog, an upset stomach is one of the easiest conditions to discern. The same way you become restless when you have it, your dog will behave in almost a similar manner. You’ll notice your dog has developed a taste of the grass and he’s mulling it. This might be confusing if you’re new to dogs since you know the grass is for cows and goats.
However, the reason your dog can start eating grass when having a tummy problem is to help try to care for the problem on its own. It’s much of an “instinctive behavior” which the dog develops as an attempt to induce vomiting. This makes two of our several signs that your dog can display if it has an upset stomach. The other signs include:
- Diarrhea
- Lack of appetite
- Profuse salivation and lip licking
- Fatigue and Lethargy
- Excessive gas passing
- Dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea
Now, Figure out Why You’re Dog Has an Upset Stomach
Before you have even browsed through the web for disorders connected with an upset stomach, think of what your dog has eaten before the problem began. Was the dog food spoilt? Is it a new diet you have introduced? Did the dog have access to your dustbin?
Prepare a virtual questionnaire plus answers and solutions. In case it’s the new dog food brand that you have just started giving suddenly, cut it off immediately and carry on with the old meal. If it is the food that has been spoilt, on the other hand, dispose of it immediately and get a fresh bag of dog food.
Apart from feeding problems, other things that can cause an upset stomach and vomiting in your dog include:
- Gastrointestinal parasites
- Food sensitivity
- Bloat
- Foreign body obstruction
- Pancreatitis
- Liver or Kidney disease
- Cancer
- Stress and anxiety
- Antibiotic use, etc.
What to Give a Dog for Upset Stomach and Vomiting
Hmm, you mean the best diet that you should give your dog with an ailing stomach?
Well, since you have just noticed the signs of an upset stomach in your dog and you’re not sure of the true cause. We recommend you stop offering food and even water to your pooch. Why? As we have noted from the signs, your pooch has got problems with her stomach and maybe even the digestive tract. Any added food or water to these two areas will instigate the prevalence irritation, which can cause even more diarrhea and vomiting.
So, fasting is the first “medication” for your dog in the first few hours (8-12 hours) since you noticed the stomach problem. But your dog might need some water and food to sustain her survival within a few hours. How will you manage that?
The other remedies that you might need to consider include:
Ice Cubes: this will help provide your dog with enough liquid in the body to prevent dehydration and systems breakdown. Even if they’re water, the ice cubes will limit the amount of liquid your dog takes. Hence, preventing excessive consumption which can make the stomach even more upset and increased vomiting.
Bone Broth: is another remedy you can provide for your dog in case she is having an ailing tummy and he’s vomiting. If you already have it ready with you, you’ll only need to warm a little and pour for your sweet little friend. Composed of canines’ favorite toy (bone) and water, your sick pet will, definitely, go for it. Thus, maintaining hydration and also providing the body with essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, vitamin K2, and or omega fatty acids from the marrow fat.
Give rice and low-fat meat: That’s right. Giving your dog with an upset stomach these two can truly help ease the problem. Your prepared rice, nonetheless, should be mushy (as little stars) and watery (like porridge) to ensure easy ingestion and digestion.
Add Canned Pumpkin, banana baby food or Sweet potatoes: this will help provide relief to your vomiting dog. Due to their high fiber, the foods will provide your Toy Maltese or Beagle with probiotics to quicken the recovery of the digestive system (including stomach).
Prescription Probiotics might help: cure your dog’s ailing stomach by restoring the good bacteria. This, though, will depend if your canine has been under antibiotics and they’re the ones which have wiped away the good bacteria while fighting the bad. Although there’s an ongoing debate on whether pet owners should administer the two together, we highly recommend giving probiotics a few hours after antibiotics. While we might not go for the details, the work of the antibiotics is to get rid of any bad bacteria in the body. But, sometimes they even forget those of probiotics are good and kill some of them too.
Some of the best probiotics include FortiFlora, Proviable, and Prostora
Monitor your dog Carefully: Now that you have fasted your dog, offered a simple diet, as well as probiotics, watch closely and see what comes out of it. If your dog had diarrhea, within a day or two he should be having better-formed stools.
If Symptom persists visit your Veterinary. Of course, that’s the only effective option we can recommend now if the first six steps have failed. It means your dog’s ailing stomach is severe and additional professionalism is now needed to discern the true problem. Perhaps your dog has gastroenteritis, an internal blockage, pancreatitis, or parvovirus (very common in puppies). They all can instigate an upset stomach and vomiting as secondary infections. Are you got what to give a dog for upset stomach and vomiting?
Can Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, And Ginger Ale Work On My Dog?
We believe the real question here is: can I share my Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, and Ginger ale with my sick pooch?
Well, the first two are over-the-counter meds and the last one (ginger ale) is much of a hail Mary for people experiencing nausea. Yes, the drink has been in use for decades to ease digestive problems but we doubt any successful test of it has been done with dogs. So, for the question, if ginger ale can treat your vomiting pooch, we’ll neither agree nor disagree. With certainty, though, we can recommend giving Imodium and Pepto-Bismol.
Pepto-Bismol is a safe medication for most dogs suffering from vomiting but you have to provide it in the right dosage. According to Veterinarian Jerry Klein from AKC, too much dose of the med can cause gastric bleeding due to the contained salicylates. The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds in a time interval of every 6-8 hours. Before giving it to your dog, however, you need to check with your vet as it can cause allergies to sensitive dogs. Also, you should refrain from giving the medication to your pregnant or nursing dogs
Imodium (loperamide), on the other hand, is an over-the-counter medication that you can use to treat diarrhea in your dog. It functions by slowing down the movement in the intestines, hence, allowing the body of your dog to digest food properly and prevent diarrhea. Before giving it to your dog, though, you need to check with your veterinarian as it can sicken your dog instead of treating.
According to Dr. Klein, you should give your dog one 2-milligram pill/ 40pounds of body weight for two-to-three times a day. In case your dog doesn’t show any changes (after two days), you have to stop giving it and visit your veterinarian.
It is worth noting Imodium can cause allergies in dogs with sensitive bodies and should be given to victims of kidney disease and hypothyroidism with caution. Pregnant or nursing dogs shouldn’t be given without the consent of the veterinarian.
What Now?
There now you have the entire solution on what to give a dog for upset stomach and vomiting. Do you feel we have touched on everything you were looking for? How did we help with your dog’s keeping? Good? Better? Or we didn’t help at all. Share with us in the comment section and let’s know which of the home remedies have worked for you.
A dog with an upset stomach and vomiting is, sometimes, a common situation. So, you should never panic when you notice the symptoms.
Just as you don’t call your electrician to come and help you replace your burnt bulb, avoid disturbing your veterinarian with “simple” situations as well. Give a try for the first day and when you notice no changes or the condition worsens, you can get professional help now.