How Often Should I Feed My 7 Week Old Puppy?

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It may appear like owning a 7-week-old puppy is simple. Remember that when they are around three weeks old, the owner must have complete control over what they consume and their nutritional requirements. Adopting a 7-week-old puppy, for example, maybe one of the best suggestions from many individuals when it comes to adopting a puppy. They may argue that a puppy of that age is grown and that you will not have to keep track of their food routine very often. Although they are mature and may adjust to a variety of food for 7 week old puppies, it is not entirely out of your control. We still need to maintain a good 7 week old puppy feeding schedule as well.

They still want your attentive supervision when it comes to eating, as they are beginning to become less reliant on their mother. These puppies might try to find their own food by themselves. This is where you need to control what they eat because, without correct supervision, your puppy might get an unwanted disease and problems.

Other than thinking about what should a 7 week old puppy be eating, we might also want to consider how much they eat and the portion per feeding. Here, we discuss those crucial topics so you can maintain your 7 week old puppy to keep them healthy and active just like you want. Your pupper is closer to 8 weeks? Read how much should an 8-week old puppy eat here.

What Nutrients a 7-Week-Old Puppy Needs

It is critical to keep an eye on the nutrients and components while choosing a decent food for 7 week old puppies. The food you offer must meet the nutritional requirements for a 7-week-old dog. To figure out what should a 7 week old puppy be eating that fills required nutrients, we must first understand why they are so vital. Puppies, like humans, need nutrients to produce energy and sustain their health. Without adequate nutrition, particularly from food, they may lose their ability to maintain themselves, which can be fatal.

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A supplement or any other form of nutritional booster should not be given to a puppy this young daily. That is why you’ll need to keep an eye on their diet and feeding schedules, as well as the components in their food, to ensure they get enough nutrients. Here are some nutrients that you should include in each meal you give your puppy:


A 7-week-old puppy, or any growing dog, requires a sufficient amount of protein. This nutrient is particularly popular among dog meals that claim to have the highest protein content. What you need is the amount your dog needs, not the largest amount. It is critical to regulating the amount of protein your puppy requires because it can aid in developing and maintaining your puppy’s physique and form. Two of the best brands for this type of nutrient are Taste of the Wild and Orijen.


As the name of the nutrients suggests, calcium is required by dogs to maintain their bones and teeth. They will have stronger teeth and bones if they get adequate calcium, which can make the puppy much more active and healthier when combined with strong muscles from protein. Calcium is particularly vital because it can reduce the likelihood of internal injuries or pain in your puppy, such as bone fractures and tooth troubles. Cheese is undoubtedly one of the most popular high-calcium food for 7 week old puppies for puppies, and your dog is sure to enjoy it.


Fat is probably the second most crucial nutrient from protein for them to get enough of. Fat is high in energy and calories, making them less wary and preventing them from becoming slim. Although fat is excellent and well advised for children to ingest to have enough energy, it is critical to remember that they can’t take more than 10% – 20% of their calories from fat per meal to avoid fat overfeeding. A puppy that does not consume fat is also highly dangerous. The consequences can be fatal because they lack the stamina to perform anything.

7 Week Old Puppy Feeding Schedule

After you know what should a 7 week old puppy be eating that satisfies their nutritional needs, you need to figure out the best routine for your dog. The aim is to make a timetable for both your puppy and yourself so that you can feed them on time while balancing your own schedule. While making an ideal timetable, keep in mind the amount of food they must eat per day.

According to many experts, a 7 week old puppies should consume around three times per day. You may wish to construct your own timetable, but we have supplied an example for you to get an idea of what to make and where to begin. Take a look at the following example:


Because Monday is usually a busy day for the hoomans, you can start the first feeding at 6 AM.

  • 6 – 7 AM Breakfast

It is best to start your puppy’s day with one cup of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 12 – 13 PM Lunch

Feed your puppy two cups of kibble and 4 cups of fresh water.

  • 18 – 19 PM Dinner

To prepare them for a long night ahead, two cups kibble and three cups of fresh water are the right amounts to feed them.


On Tuesday, you can set into whatever feeding schedule you like.

  • 7 – 8 AM Breakfast

Start with one ½ cups kibble and two cups of fresh water.

  • 13 – 14 PM Lunch

Feed your puppy two cups of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 17 – 18 PM Dinner

Provide them three cups of kibble and two cups of fresh water. However, if they cannot finish them, do not force them to keep eating.


On Wednesday you can set into whatever you like.

  • 6:30 – 7:30 AM Breakfast

Start with two cups of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 13 – 14 PM Lunch

Fill up with two cups of kibble and two cups of fresh water.

  • 17 – 18 PM Dinner

Feed your puppy one cup of kibble and two cups of fresh water.


On Thursday you can set into whatever you like.

  • 5:30 – 6:30 AM Breakfast

Feed your puppy two cups of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 12 – 13 PM Lunch

Between naps, feed them three cups of kibble and one cup of fresh water.

  • 17 – 18 PM Dinner

End the day with two cups kibble and three cups of fresh water.


On Friday you can set into whatever you like.

  • 7 – 8 AM Breakfast

More energy for the weekend with three cups kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 13 – 14 PM Lunch

Feed your puppy two cups kibble and two cups of fresh water.

  • 18 – 19 PM Dinner

Since breakfast was ample, feed your puppy one cup of kibble and three cups of fresh water.


On Saturday, usually a weekend, you can set the first feeding later in the day.

  • 8 – 9 AM Breakfast

As they will be hungrier, feed them three cups of kibble and two cups of fresh water.

  • 13 – 14 PM Lunch

Feed your puppy two cups of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 19 – 20 PM Dinner

Wrap the day with two cups of kibble and two cups of fresh water.


On Sunday, usually a weekend, you can set the first feeding later in the day.

  • 9 – 10 AM Breakfast

Like Saturday, start with three cups of kibble and two cups of fresh water.

  • 14 – 15 PM Lunch

Feed your puppy one cup of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

  • 20 – 21 PM Dinner

End the day with two cups of kibble and three cups of fresh water.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can 7 week old puppies go all night without eating?

Puppies as young as 7 weeks old are known to no longer rely on their mothers. They will no longer require their mother’s milk as a source of nutrition, allowing them to subsist on standard dry dog meals. This applies to both the quantity and quality of the food. Experts say that a 7-week-old puppy may go all night without feeding if we have a good 7 week old puppy feeding schedule. You could leave your 7-week-old puppy all night if you followed the feeding schedule requirements carefully.

Remember that letting your puppies go all night without eating is not the same as letting them go hungry all night. That is why it is essential to follow the feeding schedule during the day with proper nutrients. Another thing to note is that some puppies will not stop eating even after a full meal. Don’t confuse this with them being hungry!

What should a 7 week old puppy be eating?

It is important to note that 7-week-old puppies are of an age where they can digest both hard and soft foods. Their stomach and digestive system are complex enough to digest a full meal of dry kibble or any other dog food. However, they frequently require the assistance of fresh water to wet the kibble. That is why they must drink plenty of water daily to maintain a healthy metabolism and digestive system. Make sure to adjust their food with a good 7 week old puppy feeding schedule. Read more on your puppy’s stomach issues on My Puppy Has Diarrhea but Seems Fine and Still Playful.

Does a 7 week old puppy need milk?

7-week-old puppies normally cease weaning and begin eating standard foods like kibbles and drinking fresh water once they reach this age. Suppose they were previously offered milk substitutes of some sort. In that case, this is no longer necessary because they can now eat more freely and generously. On the other hand, milk is not a restriction; they still require milk to obtain calcium and other minerals. If they are no longer interested in milk, feeding them cheese is a suitable alternative. Though you should note that some type of dairy is included in the human foods dogs cannot eat.

Can a 7 week old puppy eat dry food?

Yes, they can. In fact, it is suggested at this age because they require more energy and less soft food as 7 week old puppies. They can eat and digest dry meals well, and it will be their primary source of nutrition from that point forward. However, some puppies may not like dry food because of the texture. You can start introducing them moistened or mixed with wet food.


It is critical to keep track of a 7 week old puppy feeding schedule and what should a 7 week old puppy be eating. Puppies, like humans, require nutrition to stay healthy and generate energy. Suppose they do not receive adequate nutrients, particularly from food. In that case, they may lose their ability to maintain themselves, which can be fatal.

Create a schedule for yourself and your puppy so that you can feed them on time while also taking care of your personal needs. A 7-week-old dog’s food and feeding regimen may be beyond your control. When they are about 7 weeks old, the owner will no longer need complete control over what they eat and their nutritional requirements. When choosing a portion of good food for 7 week old puppies, it is critical to consider the nutrients and components. You also must feed a 7-week-old puppy food that meets his nutritional needs.

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